FAG Control 839

‹The world known manufacturers of production presses have recently increased bed sizes. The size of the FAG Control 839 is well within these increased capacities.› FAG Digest Magazine, 1/1966


The FAG Control 839 was an optimized version of the FAG Control 835. Since the FAG Control 835 has been developped in Singen, Germany and been produced in Singen first and later in Avenches, Switzerland, it had to be optimized for production in Avenches. Thats when they developped the FAG Control 839 in 1964 in Avenches. It was actually almost the same press in almost the same size as the C-835, just with some little adjustements for production.
Already in 1968, FAG made the next developement step to the FAG Control 900, which was a complete new press...


Pressbed size: 839x680mm
Paper size: 839x680mm
Form size: 839x640mm
Press size (l/w/h): 2.5 / 1.5 / 1.2m
Press weight:
Standard equipment: ME, MVA, SSL
Optional equipment: AFR, BRO, DAS, ES, FRS, LAR, ME, MVA, RFP, TC, TRM
Number of presses built:
Serial numbers:
Built in factory: Avenches, Switzerland
First / last press delivered: 1964 / 1968
Price range:
Known presses still in use: 4

Download files*

FAG Control 839; Instruction Manual (de)

*Download files are free for all registered users. Unregistered users please register here.

Please note: for all automatic presses (Control and Swiss Proof Models) it is critical to first identify the generation of the electrical controls: SF1, SF2, SF3 or SF4. Though the schemas might look similar—they are not. An SF3 schema won't be good to fix the electical controls of an SF4 press!

Shop / Studios still working with the FAG Control 839

+ , ,
+ edition carpe plumbum, Leipzig, Germany
+ La Chose Typo, Clermont-Ferrand, France
+ Maschinenraum, Berlin, Germany